How to make some extra money

Who would not be happy about making some extra cash? We know that we always would be excited about it! That is why we have collected some ways for you to make that extra coin. Think of all the amazing things you could buy if you only had some more money in your bank. Or think about all of the money you could save up with that!

10 ways to make some extra cash

We have gathered ten ways to make some extra money for you! Some of those options are online, but some of them are in the real world, too! Are you ready?

1. Sell your stuff! Unless you are a minimalist, chances are pretty high that you have clothes in your closet that you have never worn, furniture in your basement or your attic that you will never use again, and kitchen appliances that you have gotten for Christmas and since then have forgotten all about them. All of these items are just collecting dust at your home but might be loved in someone else’s home! There are so many different websites where you can sell your stuff – eBay, Vinted, Depop, Facebook Marketplace. All it takes is some decluttering, taking photos of the items, and putting them online. Turn your unused stuff into money!

2. Turn your hobby into a business. Do you enjoy knitting? Painting? Creating illustrations? You can sell those things on Websites like Etsy. Or do you enjoy editing or proofreading? You could sell those services on Websites like Fiverr! It is just really nice to turn something you love into something you could make money with.

3. One very classic thing that is not only something that teenagers can do is to babysit! A lot of parents actually prefer someone watching their kid who might be over the age of 16. And if you like spending time with kids anyway, why not make a little extra money with it? There are different apps that you can offer your babysitting service on.

4. Do you love dogs? Or cats? Or both? Well, luckily for you there are apps where you can sell your time to either take dogs for walks, watch cats, or even take cats or dogs into your home while their owners are on a vacation. Who doesn’t love getting paid for going on a walk with a dog or for petting a cat?

5. There are also some websites that pay you for filling out their surveys. It usually is not paid very highly but if you have fun filling out surveys anyway, why not do it and even get some cash for it?

6. If you want to put in some work you could also become a freelancer and make some extra money with it. Depending on the country that you are living in, you might be able to make a certain amount per month without having to pay taxes on that. There are many websites you could sign up for like UpWork or Workgenius.

7. Is there anything that you are particularly good with? Math? A language? You could offer tutor lessons to kids in school or college to help them with a certain subject. It might also be fun to connect with someone over a topic that you really like!

8. The internet is a wild but also a pretty good place. You can literally make money with the things you love the most. If you are able to get a following on Instagram or a different social media platform you could start a Patreon. On Patreon, people can follow you and make a paid subscription, and in exchange for that, you deliver special content for them. That could be a monthly book club, or a discord server to connect with those people. Just try to think of your true passions. There will usually be a way of making money with that online!

9. Speaking of turning your passions into cash: Are you into playing video games? Because if you are, you could start streaming it online whenever you are playing. It does not matter if you upload those streams to YouTube or if you stream it live on Twitch: you could actually make real coins just by playing video games. For this, you do have to invest first because you might need a camera or webcam, but it might be worth it!

10. One thing that might seem unrealistic but does not have to be: become an Influencer! Instagram is a great place to collaborate with brands. And no, you do not need a million followers or more to get brand deals. Sure, you will not become a millionaire with a couple of thousand followers, but you might make some extra cash when you are working with brands! It is hard work to gain followers though and that is all unpaid. But it might turn into a fun hobby! Your goal just should not be to get rich with that.

What are you waiting for?

So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to declutter? To make some new accounts online? To start babysitting? Or to go for dog walks? There are many more ways to make some cash online and if you start following this blog we might share some more insights soon. But for now, we wish you good luck with finally making that extra coin!