Welcome to our finance blog

Talking about money is sometimes frowned upon. Well, not here! Welcome to our blog! We want to share everything we know about money here. From making extra money, talking about money with your kids, how to improve your saving methods. You name it! Feel free to come on this journey with us and learn some helpful things about cash!

What can you expect to find here

Let’s talk about money, baby! You can expect us to talk about everything related to money. How to make more money, how to save, how to teach your kids about $$$, and a lot more! In fact, if you have anything money or finance related that you are curious about, just reach out. I am sure we would be happy to discuss it in a blog post.

So what you can expect is basically anything that is somehow money or finance related. We are so excited about all of it!

Fun facts all about money!

Check below some fun facts we have gathered that you can share at your next dinner with friends to impress!

  • Did you know that a majority of US dollar bills have some traces of drugs on them?
  • If you have a bill that is split in the middle or broken in any other way: do not throw that out! Your bank should be able to give you a new note.
  • Have you ever wondered which were the first women to be on money? Well, in the US it was Pocahontas from 1865 to 1869.
  • If the Queen of England dies (God bless her), the money printing companies will immediately stop printing banknotes with her face on them and will start printing them with the new king.
  • The actual money is almost worth nothing. Printing money is not an expensive process, and even the coins are only made from cheap metal.
  • Germany has the second most amount of gold hidden. It sounds weird but there are no interest charges on gold, so they are holding on to that tightly!
  • The Euro was introduced in 2002, but actually the idea of having a currency that is the same in many countries is a lot older! There were first talks about that in the 1700s.
  • People in Sweden barely use cash anymore!
  • Money has so many bacterias on it, it is actually better not to think about how many people have already touched the money that we own.
  • Money does not last forever! If the bills don’t look fresh anymore, they will be exchanged for new ones. 5 Dollar bills typically last no longer than two years.
  • The German D-Mark has not been around for almost twenty years now. But apparently, there are still 12 billion D-Mark somewhere in Germany. Isn’t that crazy?

Are you ready for it?

Are you ready to explore the topic of money and finances with us? Money is often a taboo topic which is kind of sad. We believe that we can all learn from each other and that money should be something that can be talked about openly. We cannot wait to share our knowledge with you! And we would also love to get in contact with you, so if you have input, questions, comments – always reach out!